Ingredients Makes two cups 1/4 cup dried crushed hibiscus petals Sugar/sweetener or honey to taste 2 cups boiling water How …

For Health and Convenience
For Health and Convenience
Ingredients Makes two cups 1/4 cup dried crushed hibiscus petals Sugar/sweetener or honey to taste 2 cups boiling water How …
Fresh Weight 100 Grams Dried Weight 6 Grams Daily Portion (Dried) 5 Grams Daily Portion (Powder) 2 teaspoons Prep Time …
Dried Thyme Info Fresh Weight (cuttings) 100 Grams Dried Weight(leaves only) 19.5 Grams Prep Time 20 minutes Drying Time 4-8 …
Dried Rosemary Info Fresh Weight (cuttings) 100 Grams Dried Weight (leaves only) 14.5 Grams Prep Time 20 minutes Drying Time …
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